The Four Rapture Ideologies

The Red Pill Rapture

You took the Red Pill and promptly slipped into Wonderland. Even your rabbit holes have rabbit holes.

Patron Saint: Do you even need to ask? (he might have taken the red pill and the yellow pill at the same time though ;)

The Good News: You’ve begun to question Authority and deeply value liberty and justice for all, including the children. You are willing to do your own research and to take a stand for your values, even if they go against the status quo.

The Bad News: In a word, apophenia––the dopamine hijacked state where you see patterns in everything, including a bunch that just aren’t there.

Solution: Stop “doing your own research,” and start asking better questions. Find Occam’s Razor and sharpen it (the simplest explanation is usually the most likely). It’s powerfully seductive to think that you’re “in the know,” especially when it comes to ultimate showdowns between Light and Dark. But it’s critical you don’t get hoodwinked on your quest. If we succumb to doubt, paranoia and suspicion, the Dark Side has already won, even if we’re sure we’re playing for the good guys.

The Fundamentalist Rapture

You're an old schooler!

Patron Saint: John of Patmos (OG author of the book of revelations)

Your beliefs have likely been formed by a devotion to your tradition’s prophecies for the future.

The Good News: This can give you certainty during times of chaos and change.

The Bad News: It’s really hard to separate signal (divine truth) from noise (human interpretation over the years), and it’s hard to accurately update prophecies from distant times and places to what’s actually going on today. (see Nostradamus).  

Consider taking a stand not just for salvation but also for inclusion––a Rapture that works for everyone. A vision of a future that’s possible for all of our brothers and sisters, and commits to making a heaven on earth.

The Techno Utopian Rapture

You’re a radical progressivist, banking on the 11th hour salvation of our ingenuity!

Patron Saint: Ray Kurzweil

The Good News: You are optimistic and action-oriented. We definitely need your enthusiasm and inventiveness on the road ahead.

The Bad News: You can sometimes get swept up in the Myth of Progress and the Cult of Disruption, ignoring or downplaying unintended consequences of neo-liberalism and free markets. And you know, sometimes those solutions to “wicked problems” that actually make things worse in ways you never intended? That’s a thing too (see geoengineering).

Solution: Buckminster Fuller might have said it best when he described a future that works “for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” That sounds like a pretty good Up to shoot for. The time for “moving fast and breaking things” maybe over––but let’s move smoothly and try to build things that don’t break, eh?

The New Age Rapture

Critical Flaw: Narcissism

You're. just. Not. that. Special. cupcake

Patron Saint: Deepak Chopra/Abraham Hicks 

The Good News: You’re deeply committed to spiritual growth and development and the betterment of humanity. You’ve seen higher and more perfect states and potentials and you’re doing your best to manifest them here on Earth.

The Bad News: You’re just. Not. That. Special. Cupcake. Most of your cosmology wouldn’t survive first contact with reality (though it works swimmingly for the slightly neurotic Worried Well). But the most concerning part of the New Age Rapture, is how it subtly separates “awakened light workers” from everyone else, and sets up a moment in the future where you just get to bypass the whole trainwreck of our shared humanity and transcend to the next dimension of consciousness.

Solution: accept the grief and suffering of the world (yours and everyone else’s) Stop trying to airbrush your perfect life, realize that magical thinking is a child’s game in an increasingly grownup world, stop chasing “spiritual” experiences, medicine ceremonies, and personal growth retreats. Slow down look around, roll up your sleeves and help out where it’s messiest, not sparkly. Your inner work will be exponentially more potent when you also commit to the outer work––humble service.

Image Credit: ESO/VISTA/J. Emerson. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit